Little Rockers


Little rockers is our general music program for kiddo’s aged 5 TO 8 years old.

kids music lessons brisbane

Image by Jax Oliver Studio


Throughout this curriculum, we play while we learn about rhythm, harmony and working with other musicians to make rad music! In this program we learn trash can percussion, ukulele, singing, keys and body percussion. It’s super fun, and the perfect introduction to music. During the 30 minute session we move quickly between a vast number of musical activities to keep things spicy for those active little minds.

Especially at this age, our main goal is to help our students develop a love of music, and a confidence to be able to adventure into the wonderful world of music. We believe that if we form this first, our students will find it far easier to learn music as they have already developed a joy for it. This program is designed to gently begin introducing musical concepts to them through games and musical adventures, allowing the group lessons for ages 8 years and above to flow perfectly out of this program.


30 minute group lessons (max 4 students) - $30


5 to 8 years old


Meet Our Little Rockers Mentor:

Tash james

Tash is a singer, flautist and songwriter, and mum to two young ones. She loves to play music with people of all ages, and especially loves to see the pride in children's eyes when they realise they are capable of not just listening to music but creating it too.

Tash gigged in London for several years with her seven-piece Funk/Jazz band; she also sang in gospel choirs in the city and is currently studying Jazz Vocals at the Queensland Conservatorium. Aside from music, she used to work as a Counsellor for children and young people, and brings her empathic and patient nature to the studio.

A former nomad, Tash is of mixed Afro-Caribbean/English/French/Portuguese heritage, and grew up in England, the Middle East and Hong Kong. She counts herself lucky to now call Brisbane home, and is so grateful to be able to bring her children up in such a beautiful place.

Seriously awesome. Couldn’t be happier.
— Kate, mum